Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hey There, Little Red Riding Hood...

I just finished uploading a differentiated literacy center- Little Red Riding Hood Readers' Theatre scripts. My kids LOVE this station. I try to change it out once a week- sometimes I don't quite make it. I wrote the script myself (first time attempting that). I wrote two different versions- one for my on-level and advanced students and an easier one for my strategic level students.

Here is the link for anyone who wants to buy a copy.

The easier version is probably somewhere in the 1.3-1.5 range. The on-level version is probably 1.7 or so. I use pictures to tell which character is talking. I find that they keep up better that way.

I also did 2 versions of the puppets. After I printed the first version, I thought, "Whoa! I'm not going to have any ink left." So, I made a more color friendly version. The puppets are smaller and on a white background. This is a picture of the first version. If you have plenty of ink, knock yourself out. But that stuff gets expensive after a while.

          I taped pencils on the back. Couldn't find any popscicle sticks.

The first person who comments gets a free copy! Just leave your email address. I don't think there will be any major fight over who wins seeing as how I've only had like 3 comments since I started this blog. But you gotta start somewhere, right?

Now, I've gotta get back to this sweet baby of mine before she figures out how to unlatch the baby gate.

Speaking of my darling baby girl (and she is precious), when do they get to the stage where you can go to the bathroom or anywhere else for that matter without them? This is what I saw when I came out of the bathroom yesterday. And she was hollering,"Momma!" the whole time I was gone.

            Ignore all the clutter in the background. You didn't see it.

Also, just randomnly, I got the SWEETEST present from one of my little boys. My birthday is Saturday, but this week is our Spring Break, so the kids knew we wouldn't be there on my birthday. First graders are all about birthdays. So I got a couple of homemade presents. One little boy "wrapped" his present in a diaper case with a whistle. Inside was an orange for me and a little toy "for Baby Joy." Melt. my. heart. :)


  1. Very Cute!!!! I'd love a copy!! We're doing fairy tales in a few weeks!!

  2. Oops, email address is hmacy84@aol.com

  3. Check your inbox:) Hope your kids like it.
