Sunday, January 8, 2017


Let me begin by saying I can't believe it's been over a year since I

wrote anything on this blog. No 2016 posts at all. There's been a lot of change. I moved to KINDERGARTEN this year!! 

I taught first grade for 10 years and really loved it. Then I had to move to 2nd. I know some teachers love second grade but I am not one of them. I really enjoyed getting to know my second grade team and of course I loved the kids. But I don't know, second grade just didn't seem like a good fit for me. The first year in second was extremely hard- probably one of the hardest years in a very long time. Maybe the hardest year ever besides the very first year as a brand new teacher. I looped with my students from first which seemed like a good idea at the time but probably wasn't the best thing to do. I had some children with extreme behavior issues and it wore me down. So there was no time for blogging. I tried a couple of times but I was really in survival mode. Last year was a lot better but I still missed teaching little kids. Especially reading. Maybe I'm weird but I like teaching phonics and reading from the very beginning and I'm confident in what I'm doing. Second grade shook my confidence. So when there was an opening for kindergarten, I asked and received. 

Boy, was it a rude awakening at first! Much different than I expected. But I liked it immediately. Now we have our routines down and that we're in the last half of the game, it feels a lot like teaching first graders again. 

The room I acquired is on the old side of the school so it is much smaller than my old first grade room. (I switched rooms in 2nd grade 3 times..... which was part of the problem.) I went back to the forest theme mainly because of my giant wooden chair that I love and couldn't leave behind. I found lots of new woodland animals to incorporate this year. One big raccoon is still in my car I found last month.... 

I wanted to share some pictures of my room that have been on my phone since July. 
Small Group Reading Area
View from the Door
Classroom Library

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Home Living Area- The only place I could find to put it and  there's no sink and it barely fits but they love it!


I bought out Dollar Tree this year. What's sad is I just bought about 6 more tubs for something else I'm planning. I said I would NOT buy another tub or bucket or container this year.

My Chair! with some animal friends from Dollar General.... 

I love this little squirrel basket I got from Michael's for way too much money. Even with a coupon....

Calendar/Whole Group Area

Student Work Board 

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