Saturday, January 12, 2013

Rockin' Super Improvers

I have been testing the waters with Whole Brain Teaching this year. I haven't fully jumped in yet. So far, I really like most of it. We do the attention getters- class, yes? and the "teach-okay!" I love the "teach-okay!" It's very effective for keeping them engaged. I use it a lot with teaching our amazing words. I make up gestures to go with each word. I've been using lots of different motions for the teach-okay part which they love. I'll do stomp, stomp, stomp, salute! And they echo back. I mix it up. If you're not familiar with WBT check it out on youtube. Here's a link to a bunch of videos and a great first grade blog-

So anyway, I have not done the scoreboard. I tried it for a while, but couldn't think of good rewards. So that's fallen by the wayside. I discovered WBT two weeks after school started, so I am learning as I go.



I am planning to incorporate the Super Improvers Wall next week. I finally finished the board (the kids have been asking me about it all week, so i've gotten their attention.) I hope it works! I really, really do. I need to find a way to motivate my kids.


I did a rock theme which I stole borrowed from this awesome site- I hope she doesn't mind. I must say, I'm pretty excited about how mine turned out.

There are ten levels. Every kid starts out with a gold star (fan). When I see them improving on something (it could be anything from making a 100 on a spelling test to raising their hand before talking) they get a sticker. Ten stickers-move to next level and get a purple star and so on... I like the idea of setting individual goals for my students. They're all so different but everyone can improve on something.  


These letters took me forever to draw...


        Rock star font- LOVE! I did extend the line on the 'a' a little further with a sharpie because it looked like it said "hell of fame."

I found these guitar cutouts Michael's and decorated them with the new fancy schmancy duct tape.


I am excited to try this out. It's different from anything I've ever tried before. We'll see!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love scoreboard- it might be one of my favorite parts! I tried to do it each day but the kids were not all that motivated. I use the score board and keep it at a 4+/- difference. AT the end of the week we take 3 minute to do a reward (they have chosen children's zumba, pretty much everyday. I planned on doing a post on this last week but- you know life! I am holing accountability to have that post up this week though!

    I to and just exploring and hope to get my super improvers wall up by the end of the week. Cheers to empowering our kiddos!

  3. My first comment! Yay, someone is reading this. I was beginning to wonder... So you keep score all week long? I let them dance to songs on youtube for a reward and they liked that but it got a little too crazy for me. Maybe I'll try the scoreboard again. The super improver wall is starting to work, I think. I've got a couple of kids practicing their reading at home that didn't before.
