Friday, March 15, 2013

If You Need to Know the Seasons, Give Me a Call

We have been working on our seasons unit in science. We've finished winter and are starting spring next week. We should have been about halfway through by now, but you know how that goes. I had four absent today, so I let the kids help me finish my anchor charts.

I drew the trunks and the kids glued on the leaves. I love scrapbook paper.


To introduce the unit, we watched this video from Harry Kindergarten. The kids LOVE it. Here's the link if you've never seen it.

I typed it up so I can put it in a center later. Plus I can't remember the words. I'm going to put it on TPT for free. I would just put it on here but I don't know how to upload it.

We've also been busy writing in our seasons' journals I got from Today in First Grade. Here's the link to the freebie. It's a great addition to our study on seasons. 



  1. Hi! I just replied to your comment on my blog! So happy to meet a fellow b'ham city teacher blogger! I love your blog...I hate that I'm just now finding it! You have some wonderful ideas! I'm putting you on my blog roll and I'm your newest follower!
    Enjoy your week!

  2. oh, thanks so much! I see your blog all the time and I love it. I haven't had a blog for very long.

  3. Well, I guess you're the winner even though your comment is on a different post:) Close enough! I'm going to send the Little Red Riding Hood to your email that's on your blog. I'd send it to you anyway since you're from B'ham.
