Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow Day and My First Math Product!

I live in Alabama. We had an unexpected snow/ice storm Tuesday. I was lucky. I was able to get home thanks to my awesome vice principal. He drove me and another teacher. We picked up my baby girl on the way. She was the only one at daycare left so her teacher took her home. I was prepared to spend the night at school and Joy was going to stay with TyTy. They closed school at 11 but I had to stay with my kids. Parents couldn't get there. People were sliding all over the road. My husband tried to leave his job and nobody could get out of the parking lot. Then he told me how crazy it was and NOT to leave school. I stuck around until 330. Then my vice principal said he would drive me home. So I was able to get my baby girl but my husband had to spend the night at work. Tons of people were stuck on the interstate. 3 friends of mine were driving back from Selma and they had to spend the night in their car. It was CRAZY! 

Someone put this up. Walking Dead/ Birmingham Alabama Can You Tell the Difference

This one took me a minute. Oh yeah, it's the one with the snow! 

      Anyway being stuck at home has given me a chance to finish my first math product on TPT! I started working on this months ago and kept putting off finishing it. But finally done! Woo hoo! I made fairy tale mini flashcards. I've made others that I didn't sell because they were Batman/Spiderman and I figured they were probably copyrighted. But my kids really like those, so I decided to make cards for fairy tales.

                                    Here is a link.
 Fairytale Flashcards- mini flashcards for independent practice

          I also hit 100 followers on TPT this week! Gotta start somewhere, right? I love comments so if anyone out there is reading this and wants a free copy of the flashcards, just leave a comment below! I will send one to the first person who comments. I am trying to do one giveaway every time I post something new on TPT. Sometimes I forget.

By the way, I have insomnia tonight. I woke up at 4am and cannot go back to sleep. Why? Why? 

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