Saturday, July 26, 2014

Moving On Up...

I found out in May that I'm moving to second grade. I started at my school right out of college and I have been in the same room ever since. I finally got my room exactly the way I wanted it after ten years.. Now I get to figure out how to move it all into a much smaller room. 

I'm going to miss first grade a lot. I have GREAT coworkers and we really are like a family. It will be strange not to be there, but I'm trying to adjust. I'm probably going to have the same class. That's the good news...and the bad news. Good because I know exactly where they are and I know them. Bad because they know me!! There won't be that initial getting to know you phase where they're not really sure what they can get away with so they have slightly better behavior for the first 3 months. I think I'm going to have to be extra strict. They were pretty good kids though :) 

Going to get started on my room next week. Maybe I'll have some pics up soon..

T.T.F.N! (Joy loves Winnie the Pooh) 


  1. I just saw your comment on Amy Lemons' blog. Sounds like what is going on in your district is the same as mine. Curious as to the format you are required to do your lesson in now and where you teach? : )

  2. Oh you saw that? I chickened out and deleted it :) Not that it was bad or anything. Just the truth. Wait, which blog is that? i think that was another blog. There are so many I stalk I get them confused... I teach in Birmingham City. It's some format they made up that we are supposed to submit via schoolnet but so far none of us have figured it out so we just email it to our principal.
