Friday, September 19, 2014

Classroom Reveal

I wish I had more time to blog. These pictures are from the first week of school. I moved to second grade this year and it's been kind of a rough transition. This is what greeted me when I got in my new  classroom. We can never get in the classrooms during the summer. I cleaned and purged for 6 days before we had to be back. It's a good thing I did too, because they had us go to workshops for 3 days before school started. Who does that? 

There was soooo much stuff! I got rid of as much as possible. Finding a whole group area was almost impossible. It's really tight when they all sit down but we make it work. I have 19 students this year. I'm used to about 14-16.  I looped with my class but only 10 out of the 14 came back. Then 3 weeks after school began one of my girls returned but I was already full. So I have 10 old students and 9 new students. This class is very lively and chatty. I don't think I've ever had a class who talk. all. the. time. I don't know if it's because they were all in the same class and were already friends but the talking started up the 2nd week and hasn't slowed since. Plus the size of the classroom is a good bit smaller and there are more students. I am trying to adjust. Adjust to the new curriculum, classroom, schedule.. I've been adjusting so much I've barely been home. I feel like I live there sometimes. Today was actually a pretty good day so maybe we're turning a corner. Yay! I am enjoying getting to know my coworkers. We saw each other in passing and at meetings but never really spent any real time together before. There are 4 of us second grade teachers and it's a good team :)
So I redid the pirate theme (no way was I going to let all that lamination go to waste..)  The only thing I'm sad about is my library. I had a great library in first. But there was nowhere to put it! I thought the magazine holders would fit into the back wall of shelves but they didn't. Too tall. Plus there were soooo many other books I didn't have time to sort and put them in bins like I wanted. So the books are not sorted and it drives me crazy. I can never find what I'm looking for. 

 Found a little spot for my pirate octopus..

 I made crate seats this year. But the kids kept falling through so I had to take everything out and turn it over and put the seat on top.

 My whiteboard, which is actually a shower wall, is pitiful. It never looks clean even after it's just been cleaned. It has several discolorations and marks on it plus two big screws poking out. I tried to cover as much as I could. Also it's not magnetic :(  

 reading area

 teacher corner

 The navy striped bins were from Target. 

Check out my podium. I have always wanted a podium! I covered it with chevron paper and magnetic border to make it cute. That stool was in there too. I used the same fabric that I had leftover from the crate seats.
There are lots of things I like about second grade. But it is almost like starting over. I expect I'll adjust in a little while and it will get easier. My husband has been great. He is so supportive. I love you, Jason!
How has your school year been so far?

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