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Just got back from Orlando. We had a fabulous time. My baby girl looked oh so adorable in her new swimsuit from her Aunt Beka.
Do I have the sweetest baby or what?! She LOVES her daddy.
We got back yesterday. Today I finished my unit 1 craftivity pack. I was going to do all the stories but it was taking a loooong time to draw it all, so I just finished the first 3.
I did the pattern thing, cutting out the pieces myself. It probably looks better, but oh my, I don't have all day. By the time I passed out all the pieces, I was frazzled. So, last year I drew the pieces for The Big Blue Ox and made copies. Whew! So much easier.
Anyway, I've uploaded the pattern pieces onto TPT. My husband graciously helped me color Sam the cat.
I have the pattern pieces for Sam, Come Back! Pig in a Wig and The Big Blue Ox. I hope to finish the rest of the unit before school starts again.
Check out my coloring skills!
I enlisted the help of my nephews and nieces to finish The Big Blue Ox. Thanks, Abby, Ben, Rachel and Annaleigh!
First person to comment wins a copy! Just leave your email address.
~ Ruth Anne
I haven't blogged in so long, I almost forgot my password. May was busy, busy, busy. Our school year ended May 28th, but I had to go back the next day to finish up my room.
Today, I finally finished the Strategic Decodable Readers for Unit 5. You can click on the link below to check it out on TPT. I will try to get Unit 5 Decodable Readers done by the end of this week. It should be easier now that school is out.
Totally random, but here is a pic of the anchor chart we used for Simple Machines, which is one of my favorite stories in Reading Street. We did a lot of activities, but I didn't take any pictures:(
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